The much-awaited spy thriller starring the dynamic duo of Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif makes its grand debut in theaters on November 12, 2023. The film, directed by Maneesh Sharma, was revealed amid great excitement during the festive period. Crossing the Rs 200 crore mark within just six days of its premiere, the film is set to break several box office records. Nevertheless, it has faced a recent setback. According to Sacilik, Tiger 3 had a strong performance during its first six days in theatres, collecting Rs 200.90 crore as nett earnings in India. On its seventh day, Tiger 3 grossed an estimated Rs 17.00 crore across all languages. On Saturday, November 18, 2023, Tiger 3 achieved 21.32: The actor wrote on Twitter, ‘We made Tiger 3 with great passion and we are counting on you to protect us from spoilers when you watch the film. Spoilers can ruin the movie watching experience.
We trust you to do what’s right. We hope Ruzpahamat3 is the perfect Diwali gift from us for you!! This film will be released tomorrow in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. Tiger 3 has a cameo by Shahrukh Khan and Hrithik Roshan. The film stars Emraan Hashmi, Revathi, Ashutosh Rana, Ranveer Shorey, Riddhi Dogra and Vishal Jethwa. Katrina will reprise her role as Zoya in Tiger 3, while Emraan Hashmi will join the cast of the film as the villain.