Sultanpur 01 January/ District Magistrate Kritika Jyotsna and Superintendent of Police Somen Verma on Monday night conducted a surprise inspection of the night shelter and bonfire run by the Municipal Council Sultanpur in the premises of Pandit Ram Naresh Tripathi Auditorium. During the inspection, beds, mattresses and quilts were found installed in the night shelter. He obtained information about the facilities from the people staying overnight in the night shelter.
The District Magistrate took stock of the cleanliness etc. arrangements, which was found satisfactory. The District Magistrate directed the concerned to keep getting information from the people staying at night shelter from time to time and ensure that all the arrangements are provided.
Thereafter, the District Magistrate inspected the burning bonfire at the main gate of the Municipal Council, Shahganj intersection, the main gate of the District Hospital, Sultanpur and in front of the emergency ward. A bonfire was found burning at the gate of the District Hospital, the District Magistrate directed the concerned that there could be disruption in traffic and no one should set up a stand here and the bonfire should be shifted to some other place. The District Magistrate directed the Executive Officer of the Municipality to provide adequate amount of wood for the bonfires burning at various places.
On this occasion, Deputy Collector Sadar C.P. Pathak, Executive Officer Municipal Council Shyamendra Mohan and other concerned were present.