Sultanpur 27th December / In-charge District Magistrate/Chief Development Officer Ankur Kaushik in the presence of Additional District Magistrate (V/R) Manoj Kumar Pandey regarding prevention from disasters like drowning/snakebite/lightning/fire etc. on 27th, 28th and 29th December, 2023. The training/public awareness campaign running in Pandit Ram Naresh Tripathi Auditorium was started by garlanding the pictures of Maa Saraswati and Vivekananda and lighting the lamp. On this occasion, 1475 teachers from the Education Department (Basic Education) and 185 teachers from the District School Inspector participated in the training program. Apart from this, 979 village heads and 155 secretaries belonging to the District Panchayat Raj Department will also be allowed to participate in the training program in the upcoming dates. Similarly, tehsil level officers/employees, revenue inspectors, accountants etc. related to the revenue department will also be trained.
In-charge District Magistrate/Chief Development Officer and Additional District Magistrate (V/R) highlighted what precautions should be taken before and after the disaster. Similarly, L.E.D. was given to all the trainees present by the disaster experts. Training regarding various disasters was provided through screens.