As per the instructions of Uttar Pradesh Government, Pensioner’s Day was organized in Pt. Ram Naresh Tripathi Auditorium under the chairmanship of Additional District Magistrate (Administration) Pankaj Singh, an officer nominated by District Magistrate Kritika Jyotsna, in which the heads of offices/nominated officers of most of the departments participated. The Chairman directed the officials of the concerned departments to ensure quality disposal of the applications submitted by the pensioners.
Complaint applications received by Chief Treasury Officer/Nodal Officer Arvind Singh were directed to be marked on the complaint register and sent to the concerned departments. On Pensioner’s Day, a total of 12 applications were received through pensioners/union officials, in which 03 cases were received from District Panchayat Raj Officer, 03 from Irrigation Department, 01 from Police Department, 04 from Chief Medical Officer, 01 from Education and Training Officer. No complaint was received from any pensioner from the treasury level, which was resolved in a timely manner and instructions were given by Chairman Additional District Magistrate (Administration) to inform the District Magistrate and the Chief Treasury Officer. This year especially, feedback was taken by Honorable Minister Suresh Khanna from all the treasuries and pensioners’ associations of Uttar Pradesh regarding the complaints received on Pensioners’ Day, which was especially commendable. In the end, thanks were expressed to the Chief Treasurer/Additional District Magistrate (Administration) by President/General Secretary of Pensioners Union Association Officer Shivmurti Pandey, Ghanshyam Srivastava, Ashok Kumar Lal and District President of Uttar Pradesh Pensioners Welfare Association Suyash Narayan Upadhyay. Pensioner’s Day was concluded with the permission of the Chairman.
On this occasion, Assistant Treasurer of Treasury P. Ram, Ram Sahay, Senior Accountant Ghanshyam Singh, Nandlal, Lal Bahadur Gupta and Pension Counter Assistant Satyendra Khare, Sudhir, Vinod, Shalini Agrahari and all the employees were present.